Make It Special

Add messages on a clear acrylic board to make your gift truly personal. Whether it's a sentimental message, a vibrant drawing, or a sleek logo, we bring your vision to life.

An acrylic board with message for friend's engagement on theZen-like artistic pressed flower frames
An acrylic board with message for friend's engagement on theZen-like artistic pressed flower frames
Text Order 
Full Order
Text Fonts
3 types
3 types
Text Color
Black or White
Any color
Text Position × 3 types Any position
Design Printing ×
Logo Printing × ×

Text Order

The easiest way is always simply beautiful.
You can print your heart-warming message on acrylic board.
Whether it's your own short words or a rich message with passion,
let your thoughts be heard.

Full Order

There are endless ways to express your feelings.
Not only with text, your drawing, kid's handprint, or maybe business logo can also be printed.
Let's dye this campus on flowers with your hue.

Your Design

We can print whatever is on your campus. Send us your design in any form, digital illustration or hand drawing.

Sign board on pressed flower

Choose your font

For your message, we have three fonts. Pick a font and the printing position that best reflects your feeling.

A pub's logo on a pressed flower as a sign board


When your design is done, it's time to choose where to put them. If you're indecisive person, let us help you.

Font and Position

For text messages, you have choices of three fonts and printing position.
In Full Order, you can desing position as well.

About customization